Thursday, November 3, 2016


So after dropping Cale back at his work we headed back down to Exmouth with the intention of taking a look at the Ningaloo Coast.  

The countryside on way back from Cale's work

Wild flowers after the good rain in the area over winter

We arrive back at Judy and Steve's place

And head over to the Ningaloo Coast and set up camp at a place called Osprey.

This cockatiel thought he was going to get fed straight up.  Silly bird! 

Even though it was overcast the waters here are a beautiful tortoise blue. 

and this time of the year is great for the kite surfers


This fella was watching over us.  I believe it is the type of Osprey that is in this area.

Another bird in the area

We headed down to the gorge walk at Yardie Creek and we saw these people looking at the crossing at the mouth of the creek.

Hey mate you reckon I can make the crossing?

Yeah go for it!

Made it!

At the gorge there are boat tours you can take

The mouth from down the walk trail

Hey mate what you looking at!?

The gorge


and back at the camp this fella was hanging around.  What's that smell?

Mmmmm, you smell sooooo good!

Hmmm, maybe not!

Hello there

The turquoise ocean 

and crabs with that

A long walk

Might buy me one of those kite things!

Spot the Kangaroo

Spot the Karen

As the day comes to an end

Just sit and contemplate the day

How about a beer with that just for contemplation purposes!

Tomorrow we head south towards home.

Sunday, October 16, 2016


As we head south from Karratha we stopped overnight at Miaree Pool rest area which was a nice little swimming hole.

Heavy earthmoving equipment was being hauled over the bridge.  The truck slowed to a stop and crawled over the bridge, I assume because of the weight of the dozer.

Mining near Fortescue River was quite impressive

You couldn't even see the truck on dumping the dirt!

and the dust settles

Off he goes

We arrived at Cale's mine site around midday

and rocked up at Judy and Steve's place in Exmouth about 5 hours later

The lad on the high seas

Umm yes hello there sir!

out of Exmouth the whales migrating south for the summer put on quite a display.  Unfortunately we didn't get a picture of the fully grown whale that launched itself completely out of the water about 100 metres from our boat.  Something that will stay in my memory for a very long time.

The skipper Steve

Whales not far from the boat

Mackerel =1 Fishermen = 0

Mackerel = 1 Fisherment = 1

One happy fisherman!  We netted about 6 kgs of fresh meat from this beauty!

A tall training ship docked at Exmouth that we passed

Beautiful looking ship

and we head back home at a rate of knots

The next day we head over to Cape Range National Park for a look

We head off into the gorge for a drive 

Ello, ello, ello!


Tomorrow we are heading over to the West side of the peninsula to go snorkelling.  Apparently the snorkelling here is spectacular!

To be continued...