Friday, October 27, 2017


So after lots of work we had our relatives Barb and Bill come and stay so we thought we would show them some sights of East Pilbara.

There are many beautiful sights here and Kalgans Pool is one of them.  It's not that far from Newman as the crow fly's but the track to it is a bit ordinary.  The corrugations were pretty bad in sections but there were some pretty fun sections as well...

Some of the water ways looked a bit hectic and you definitely wouldn't navigate here in the wet season.

We caught the tracks just before the hot wet season but some of the tracks were still pretty deep.

The drive was pretty long from the Marble Bar road (1 hour 45 minutes) but it was worth it!


Jeez dancing on water!

The cool, cool waters on a hot, hot day!

We headed back to see this iron ore train heading from Newman to Pt Headland

Over 4km of rail cars and 4 locomotives to push 600,000 tons of ore across the Pilbara

I have always wanted to film an entire train but managed to get close when the train was about 2/3 gone but impressive anyways

And so that was Kalgans Pool :)

Friday, April 14, 2017


So once we got to the Ningaloo Coast our family gave us our bills and after I coughed and spluttered, fell off my chair and had to put a flannel to my forehead to think how poor we were!  We decided it was time to look for a job!!!!!!

So I got a job running this centre.  Pretty cool eh!

In this mining town with big trucks like this

Karen reckons she can move mountains!


to be continued.......