Monday, February 1, 2016


After setting ourselves a considerable task of getting some kms under our belts we decided to head down through the towns of Pt Wakefield and a lovely little town of Gawler to settle down for a couple of days of well deserved R&R in the beautiful town of Murray Bridge.  This bridge was the first road bridge constructed over the lower Murray River in 1879.

As with many of the rural towns in South Australia the towns are quite meticulously cared for 

During one of our adventures in the town of Murray Bridge we came across Josh and Paul who were having an adventure of their own.  They decided to sail their custom built sail raft as far as they could on their holidays.  They explained that the vessel was a little hard to navigate and apart from getting rather sun burnt they spent a fair bit of their sailing time stuck in marsh reeds.  By the time we came along they had come to the end of their adventure and had dismantled the mast.

And you just wouldn't believe our luck just after we met these intrepid adventurers we met a fine upstanding fellow by the name of Spike Smith who said if we were quick we could take purchase of this little steam train beauty!  A mere $52,500 was all that it set us back so we decided to trade the 4WD and caravan in on it cause it seemed a deal just too good to be true!

Spike told us that with just a little TLC she would be up and running in no time!  How excited we both were!

After having a little trouble with the starter motor I decided to contact Spike and find out if there was any chance we would be able to opt out of the contract and as luck was again on our side he mentioned he was happy to oblige.  He said there was only one condition and that was we take possession of his latest 'houseboat' for an additional $15,000.  After considering this was a deal we couldn't turn down we called into the Bank and are now the owners of our first house boat!

Spike advertised it as absolute luxury

And after our maiden voyage ending up on the bottom of the Murray we thought it probably best it was time to hit the road

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