Monday, February 1, 2016


After our well earned R & R at Murray Bridge we decide to head to a nice little town in Mannum about 30kms North of Murray Bridge.  Here we came across our first contact with the many barge crossings of the Murray River.  These are in place of bridge crossings and are free of charge and every barge operator says hello and goodbye to every user with a big smile :) 24 hours a day.  Now that's a lot of smiles :0) :0)  They can transport cars, caravans and the biggest of trucks.

The operators have a control room at both ends of the barge.

After traveling for the considerable 30 km journey from Wrights Bridge we thought it only fitting that we support the local economy and wet the whistle at the local establishment.  This pub was the Pretoria Hotel and in 1954 was flooded as well as many other businesses and houses in the big flood.

And we were so happy to be in Mannum, Karen and I decided to renew our vowels on the banks of the Murray.  ...Or was that in the Bank of Murray?  Oh well in any case as I have always been not so quick on the uptake she decided to spell it out for me.....
A, E, I, O, you, I DO.

Anyway the Minister wasn't available for comment and in fact didn't show up at all, so the reception was a fairly small affair, just the two of us and a blow in from the other side of the river...

...and needless to say the chef's specialty on this most special of occasions was...

Duck Le'Orange

The Murray River is home to a number of paddle steamers and the Marion which was built in 1897 was restored and recommissioned in 1994 and is the last operational heritage, steam driven, wood fired overnight passenger carrying, side paddle steamer in the world! and that's a mouthful to remember!

Another paddle boat on the Murray at Mannum was the Murray Princess. I thought after renewing our vows it might be a good idea to whisk Karen away for a weekend on this beautiful paddle boat....

...but at the end of the day why pay good money when you already have a luxury river craft at your fingertips and let's face it folks there is real satisfaction in rowing the length and breadth of the Murray and building your wife's muscles at the same time.  Thanks S.S. Dolphin! Kids block your ears.... romance is still alive!

S.S. Dolphin

But kids don't forget that if your going to operate expensive luxury equipment like this, never be under the influence of alcohol and always wear your life jackets.

...and as the sun sets on another South Australian All Aussie Adventure...

it was time to hit the road.

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