We head North out of Lorne through the towns of Ballarat and Maryborough and found an out of the way campsite in Moliagul. Moliagul is a place now consisting of one house and a park next to it. Moliagul is home to the worlds biggest gold nugget find and was found by prospectors John Deason and Richard Oates on 5 February 1869. It measured 61 by 31 cm (24 by 12 in) and weighed in at 3,123oz. In today's market the gold in this nugget would fetch around $4,372,200. Needless to say Karen and I started looking at everything on the ground with great interest from here on.... :-)
As it would happen this very camp site that we found ourselves in, was the birthplace of John Flynn the founder of the Flying Doctor Service was born in a small house opposite this monument.
As it would happen this very camp site that we found ourselves in, was the birthplace of John Flynn the founder of the Flying Doctor Service was born in a small house opposite this monument.
John Flynn
John's house was a building next to this one however is no longer standing
I had just taken these pictures, had the 4WD warming ready to leave for Melville Caves when 4 gentlemen turned up in these vintage cars. We asked what they were up to and they explained they were marshals for the vintage motorbikes that would be turning up to the annual ride. Say no more I turned the 4WD off and waited in anticipation! :)
and as they say, wait and they will come....
and so they came
and came
and came
As it was explained to me, to be members of this club all bikes had to be dated pre-1942
And as it would appear a number of the owners fit into that category as well
There were approximately 30-40 of these bikes turn up
The oldest of the riders was 80 years!
A) I hope I make it to that age
B) I hope I'm doing was he is doing at that age!
And as we were the first to arrive, we were the last to leave and head further north to a place called Melville Caves, so time to hit the road.