Saturday, March 12, 2016


Heading south from the Grampions we came across a hidden community that agreed to let me interview them on the trials and tribulations of living and working within the community.

Here I found Amos Ebenezer doing the washing chores.  He says that all chores in the community are a shared task and and must be performed by all parties including all children as young as 1 year of age. 

Amos says that each day tasks are allocated to all members of the community and here Amos continues the task of maintaining the community living quarters

Amos says to keep the community in a healthy condition we must work hard and know ones responsibilities and carry them out with steadfast conduct.

Amos also says that we must gather raw materials from wherever we can and nothing must be wasted.

Amos also says that when it is absolutely necessary to get supplies from the store we must resort to the most basic of transportation, one that is with nature and is not detrimental to the environment.

But Amos also says we must not show off whilst in control of wild animals because...

at times they can be unpredictable and hard to control, which takes a steady hand to calm them.

Woooohh there girl she's a feisty one today

Amos states that what brings him strength in times of adversity is his belief in the religion of Bacteriology that has existed since the beginning of time

And after a long celebration with Amos Ebenezer his wife and 18 children, we would join them in a prayer to the great Bacteriological Grand Father and that was an amazing spectacle one which we will never forget.  And having done the entire community came out to see us off which was a real treat and it was time to hit the road.

1 comment:

  1. hhahahah this is beyond hilarious!

    Love you guys!
