Monday, July 18, 2016


Again heading further north we camped at a nice place called Boulder Creek.  This little 15 year old Jack Russell cross named Rex grew up with teen aged children however they all flew the coup, so now every morning he trots off from his farm home (where it is boring) and heads to this camp for the day and is pampered by all of the travelling public/campers with pats and snacks.
His owner then calls at around 4pm and opens the door to his car and Rex heads home from a hard days patting and eating!

It still is a dogs life!

Can I have a pat and some food in that order please?

View from our camp

The next day we headed up to the Finch Hatton Gorge.

Sugar cane is everywhere to be seen in these parts and makes for a beautiful scene

So we head out

With the moisture in these parts it seems plants grow almost everywhere.

As for this pair of thongs I can't imagine why someone would have left them behind!!!!! Hahahaha

Interesting moss growing from this fallen log

Another of those creek bed crossings

Amazing looking moss/growths from another fallen log

Rawson's Creek

Beautiful fresh water


Hmm how do you expect me to get across this one??!!

Once we did get across we kept heading up towards the swimming hole

Reaching the swimming hole there was this sign about males aged 18 - 30.  These statistics reminded me of the studies that were published by Royal Life Saving Society in Western Australia.  Sobering statistics!


Again beautiful :)

Heading back down

Now how do we get back across???

Jump Karen Jump!

and where to from now????

and with a successful crossing without getting our feet too wet we decided tomorrow was time to HIT TO ROAD towards Australia's tallest single drop water fall

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