Saturday, May 14, 2016


The next day we decide to travel south to the famous Jenolan Caves and Kangaran Walls.

We head down the long winding road and came to the mouth of the Jenolan Caves which is also the entry to the resort which is located on the other side of the tunnel.

The view inside the tunnel

The tunnel exit

The Jenolan cave system is huge.  There are 350 recorded entrances to the caves and it is believed the caves are largely an interconnected system with different chambers each one linked to another.  However the exact configuration is not yet known and not all of the connections have been located to this day with caves and passage ways continuing to be located.

Stalactites and stalagmites joining

The Grand Archway

One of the massive caves tours

Here's a statue we found built into one of the cave walls

and another one

Some amazing colours

Massive tunnel exit into the Jurassic 

Down into the depths

Hole in the ceiling

The view from the top of this cave, if you look closely you can see where I was standing just off the stairway down below.  A long way down there.

View through a massive archway to the river below

The resort that is located on the exit side of the original tunnel

Some interesting facts

As we headed off to Kanangra Wall we saw this beautiful rainbow ;)

We arrived at the wonderful Kenanga Walls

Magnificent view into the valley

Magnificent view

The Wall

From the top of the Wall to the bottom of the ravine it is some 800 metres!

Breath taking!

And as beautiful as this country side is.....

It was time for us to head from some warmer weather, so we start our journey north towards Queensland.  So it is time to HIT THE ROAD!

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