So we head for Toowoomba and unfortunately the caravan started to strike trouble and our wheel bearings were heating up so needed changing. We had to head for the nearest safe haven to shelter down until we could get someone to fix our issues.
Unfortunately it took a little longer than we had anticipated and I started to get "Cabin Fever" The following video shows the inevitable outcome of running out of Guinness and being stuck in one place for too long!!!!!
Very sad isn't it!!
So we end up getting the trouble fixed and manage to hit the road.
So we fix our caravan problems and all is good. I celebrate by cooking up a storm!
On the eastern side of Toowoomba is a beautiful picnic area and views over to Tabletop Mountain and the ranges
The road that takes you over to Brisbane the capital of Queensland
Ello, ello, ello wha ave we ere Governor?
Wow I just couldn't resist this shot! Who would have thought a little bit of Perth right in the middle of Toowoomba hahaha.
Getting out and about around an hours drive from Toowoomba was cotton growing country. Apparently the soil in these regions is some of the deepest and richest top soil in the country. The lady at the information centre at Pittsworth explained that one farmer put a water bore down and never hit rock once.
That night we were treated to another of natures spectacles in a beautiful full moon.
The next day we headed north again. We decided to only take a short drive and stopped at a tiny town in Jondaryan that consists of not much more that a service station and a town hall.
We were allowed to park up outside the town hall for the night and during the evening we heard loud voices and laughing from inside the hall. We decided to go in and find out what all the fuss was to fine some of the townsfolk were practising for a play they were about to show in a weeks time. They were so friendly and thought it would be great if we stayed so they could practise in front of someone.
The actors did a really good job and I wished I got some more pictures of some of the funny scenes but here are some
The actors are all amateurs from the town and region. There are farmers, their wives, mechanics and local business people involved
The actors put on a play every year and the profits go straight back into maintaining the hall and surrounds. The plays must be pretty successful because for such a small town the facilities were really well kept
After the night we were invited to stay for a cup of tea and talk about the play which was a really nice thing as this was the first play I have ever been to hahaha! Reckon maybe I could become an actor too! Karen rolls her eyes to that one :)
So with that we say goodbye to Toowoomba and the outer region of Jondaryn and head further north towards the Bunya Mountains where I will get my first taste of a sub-tropical rain forest.
Yep, time to hit the road.
On the eastern side of Toowoomba is a beautiful picnic area and views over to Tabletop Mountain and the ranges
The road that takes you over to Brisbane the capital of Queensland
Ello, ello, ello wha ave we ere Governor?
Wow I just couldn't resist this shot! Who would have thought a little bit of Perth right in the middle of Toowoomba hahaha.
Getting out and about around an hours drive from Toowoomba was cotton growing country. Apparently the soil in these regions is some of the deepest and richest top soil in the country. The lady at the information centre at Pittsworth explained that one farmer put a water bore down and never hit rock once.
That night we were treated to another of natures spectacles in a beautiful full moon.
The next day we headed north again. We decided to only take a short drive and stopped at a tiny town in Jondaryan that consists of not much more that a service station and a town hall.
The actors did a really good job and I wished I got some more pictures of some of the funny scenes but here are some
The actors are all amateurs from the town and region. There are farmers, their wives, mechanics and local business people involved
The actors put on a play every year and the profits go straight back into maintaining the hall and surrounds. The plays must be pretty successful because for such a small town the facilities were really well kept
After the night we were invited to stay for a cup of tea and talk about the play which was a really nice thing as this was the first play I have ever been to hahaha! Reckon maybe I could become an actor too! Karen rolls her eyes to that one :)
So with that we say goodbye to Toowoomba and the outer region of Jondaryn and head further north towards the Bunya Mountains where I will get my first taste of a sub-tropical rain forest.
Yep, time to hit the road.
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